jazzquad: Lupa Santiago 4teto + Ed Neumeister – Ubuntu

jazzquad: Lupa Santiago 4teto + Ed Neumeister – Ubuntu

Most fans perceive Brazilian jazz through the prism rhythms of samba and bossa nova, and nothing else. I, a sinner, too, is largely subject to this stereotype. Just listen to the other Brazilian jazz rarely fall. But Ubuntu album – a case in point.

The Brazilian guitarist Lupa Santiago – experienced musicians, suffice it to say that Ubuntu – it is the seventeenth in a row the album in his discography. Santiago also toured quite extensively, including overseas, ie Europe. During one of these trips he met in 2012 with the Austrian trombonist Ed Noymeysterom. Casual acquaintance grew into a strong friendship, it turned out that the interests of both creative musicians are close, and it ended the arrival of Ed in Brazil, where in November 2014 Ubuntu album was recorded in Sao Paulo. Exotic project name is taken from one of the African languages, where it means something like “I am – who I am because of who we are.” In other words, the musicians emphasize that their joint project – the result of the union of creative individuals with all their experiences. Well, it is difficult to argue, can only listen carefully to their proposed music.

The recording sessions for the Brazilian side was a constant Santiago Quartet with pianist Leandro Cabral, bassist and drummer Bruno Migotto Alex Buck. Album program consisting mainly of the composition of the Austrian guest (four tracks), two songs written Lupa Santiago, one play Cabral noted in the program. Playing this international quintet in the style close postbopovomu mainstream and much more reminiscent of European improvised music, Brazilian jazz than what we usually present. Typically, the compositions are built on the basis of interaction and complex interplay of guitar lines, trombone and piano, with the active support of the rhythm section, often going beyond their standard functions. Despite the nature of the recording studio, it is minimally different from the usual live performance. I remember such tracks as the rapid Two For Eleven dialogue with bright guitar and trombone, beautiful solos in Noymeystera Trails, where he showed excellent sense of musical humor, spectacular polyrhythm Enfim SUS, lyrical guitar lines Santiago in Dauphine. In general, of Ubuntu perfectly contributes to the destruction of stereotypes and broadens the horizons of our understanding of the contemporary jazz scene, which globalized than economics or politics, no less. It is necessary to be sure! 2016 Sound Finger 7 tks / 45 mins of (Lupa Santiago – g; of Leandro Cabral is – p, Rhodes You; by Alex the Buck – dr; of Bruno Migotto – b; Ed is Neumeister – tb;) Disc provided Lydia Liebman Promotions.

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